The SEPTIC System

Local safe access in the County of San Diego or not?

In Prohibition Clan on October 3, 2010 at 3:24 pm

Can you believe it’s nearly 2011 and we still don’t have safe access in the County of San Diego?  Can you remember how many years local area farmers and advocates have been fighting The Prohibition Clan for safe access to medical marijuana in San Diego County?

For me, it’s ever since I can remember!

Well guess what 2011 means?  Their ban is illegal, their moratorium is ending and their lawsuits, we are winning!

“So, what now?” you ask.  Now, is the time for safe access in your local area, but only if you can help. is interactively remembering all 19 denials of safe access for you, so you can win your local fight, for you! 

The Prohibition Clan pages track the status of all 19 San Diego County municipalities denials of safe access, the pages also allow patients and advocates post local comments or meetings and any local safe access to medical marijuana. 

The local safe access fight for you, can only be won with you.  Welcome to the your fight for local safe access!
Yes We Cannabis

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